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Nier:Automata mod manager NAMH is out!
Introducing the new mod manager for Automata!
- One click install for SK, Reshade & limit break patch. No DOWNLOADS REQUIRED!
- Install and uninstall mods with one click
- Friendly for newcomers
- Mod colission detection and resolver
Tedious install instructions begone! Get it now: NAMH
Fresh Mods
By Duvet13d
NieR: Automata 尼爾:自動人形 繁中日雙語字幕 (僅台詞對白)<br /><br />中文文本是取自 WLong製作的NS移植版本 基礎版而<br />日語則是直接使用原文<br />某些情況下,對白只有中文。
By MrPheonixX9
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139: 4K Realistic Graphics + 4K Cutscenes<br />Everything You Need To Start Playing Just in One File<br />Perfect ver & Colorful ver
出自 无限暖暖阿得里娜的一把优雅的武器~替换古代霸王短剑~^_^~!<br />An elegant weapon from Infinity Nikki Adelina~a replacement for the ancient Overlord Short Sword~^_^~!
如果你对于营地的那两坨黄色怪东西感到厌恶 欢迎使用我的这个MOD~<br />If you feel disgusted with those two yellow monsters in the campsite, please feel free to use my MOD ~^_^~!
By SlopOClock
Modifies the "ANDROIDS REMASTERED" character models to permanently remove 2B's skirt.<br /><br />Now there's no need to self-destruct to remove her skirt, and it works for even when not playing as 2B.
By iffyfuistatement
Dyes the hair of Papa Nier, Younger and Older Brother Nier, Kaine, and their alternate costumes. <br />Comes with the hair colors in the original RepliCant as well as all hair dyes featured in NieR: Automata's 3C3C1D119440927 DLC.
By iffyfuistatement
Makes Weiss resemble the classic Dr. Seuss book Horton Hatches the Egg.
By Sumintomoto
Some weapon again
By Exiled Eye
The goal of this preset is to reduce color banding, reduce aliasing and reduce the generally washed-out colors of the game with original visual fidelity in mind.
By iffyfuistatement
Turns the game into a winter wonderland. <br />Not suitable for normal gameplay - mainly for taking screenshots.
By MetalTxus
Turns chest markers red, to better differentiate them from most other icons.
By ModEngine
Infinite Buff Duration Mod for NieR Replicant
By iffyfuistatement
Changes the remaster's color grading to more closely resemble the original RepliCant.
By iffyfuistatement
Gives Older Brother Nier and Kainé dark circles under their eyes. Now includes Papa Nier.
By iffyfuistatement
Makes Emil, Kaine, and both Brother Niers's clothing Christmas-themed.
By iffyfuistatement
Replaces Kaine's Lunar Tear with a very cute and normal flower. <br />happy 11th anniversary Drakengard 3